We are delighted to announce the following updates to our platform.
FIX 5 We have released support for the new FIX 5 protocol. For users that are currently trading using FIX 4.4, we highly recommend that you switch to using FIX 5 instead. The new protocol delivers increased stability and speed - the market data is aggregated by 5ms rather than the existing 40ms in FIX 4.4. Furthermore, all future technical updates will only be available for the FIX 5 protocol. We will no longer support FIX 4.4 updates.
L2 Multicast Market Data Gateway
We have released an update to the L2 Multicast Market Data Gateway. The L2 Multicast Market Data Gateway will enable you to receive market data with improved latency whilst supporting high-performance trading systems. The update reduces the CPU time spent on Market Data message encoding and decoding. By subscribing to one or more multicast channels, multiple clients are able to receive market data more quickly and - if subscribed to the same groups - simultaneously. The mechanism utilizes the FIX protocol for message structure and syntax, FAST protocol for optimization of data streaming, and UDP protocol for delivering data to multiple users efficiently.
Updated over 3 years ago