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DeFi section on Bequant PRO
Updated over a year ago

General info and section interface

To access the Defi Section you need to click “Defi” item in header menu.

DeFi section contains 3 main sectors:

  • Defi Account information

  • Section sub-menu

  • Sub-menu content

DeFi account information

  1. Quick notification message with information about user-API and a link to it.

  2. DeFi Account contains general information about aggregated balance of the account nominated in selected currency.

  3. Allocation shows general information about:

    1. Collateral - wide range of native assets (i.e. ETH is a native asset for a Ethereum Mainnet) and ERC-20 tokens (i.e. USDT_ERC20, USDC, AAVE, UNI, COMP, BAL and so on). These tokens are able to be transferred via the Transfer menu and widely accepted by major CEX.

    2. Locked DeFi Assets. Basically it is the same ERC20 tokens but it is a product of interacting with DeFi protocols (i.e. stAAVE token represented AAVE staking, AUSDT token represents Supply to AAVE protocol and so on). This kind of tokens are unable to transfer to CEX or directly use. However, this kind of tokens could be converted 1:1 via DeFi protocols to its original equivalent. It is very simplified explanation, because it is depends on a particular DeFi protocols (1:1 conversion could vary or giving USDT and USDC tokens to UniSwap liquidity you will receive a NFT - an eip-721 token).

Section sub-menu

This menu provides navigation to internal section of DeFi:

  • Market data

  • Protocols

  • Balances

  • Transactions

Sub-section content

  1. Protocols provides navigation to UI for a particular DeFi protocols

2. Balances shows detailed information about current balances:

a. Fireblocks section shows all “un-locked“ assets (Collateral)

b. Following sections shows information about current Positions with specific DeFi protocols.

c. The balance table has the below columns:

  • Protocol. It could be “Fireblocks“ for assets w/o Protocols or specific DeFi protocols (AAVE, UniSwap and so on)

  • Type. It could be Lending, Borrowing, Stake, Liquidity providing and so on. Type represents nature of an asset

  • Asset. Human-readable symbol of a token and our internal name for this token in 2nd line,

  • Token Address. For all ERC20 tokens shows an original blockchain address.

  • Total balance for this token.

  • Available. Total - Pending - Locked.

  • Pending. Amount of an asset currently in a process of an on-chain transfer or Smart contract call.

  • Locked. Amount of an asset currently locked to execute requested transfer or Smart contract call.

3. Transactions shows all executed transaction. Each transaction could be a Transfer or a Smart contract call.

Transactions table contains following columns:

  • Type. Type of transaction.

  • Source. Name or specific blockchain addres and a type in a 2nd line.

  • Destination. Name or specific blockchain addres and a type in a 2nd line.

  • Note. Human-readable description for a transaction.

  • Status. Transaction status

  • Amount. This is an amount of transaction in native assets or in ERC20 tokens. It is commonly equals 0 for all Smart contract calls

  • Assets Out. Amount of asset(s) transfers from an account balance within this transaction.

  • Assets In. Amount of asset(s) transfers to an account balance within this transaction.

  • Network fee. Amount of base asset paid to execute this transaction (i.e. Gas fee)

  • Created at timestamp of receiving request to execute this transaction (i.e. click submit button or send request to uAPI).

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