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API Keys

Trade and Read Only API keys

Updated over a week ago

Trading keys and read-only keys

Every exchange offers trading and read-only API keys which can be added to an in-house OMS, or the likes of Deltix and Meta Trader.

You can request read-only and trading keys through your dedicated Support Rep. Once ready, the keys will be available to access on Accounts page. To get the key please press 3 dots button opposite of the sub-account you need the keys for (as shown on the screenshot).
IMPORTANT: you won't be able to access API keys if 2FA is not set on your account.

Most of the read-only and trading API keys, if not IP whitelisted, are active for 90 days from the date they were created, except on Binance which recently changed their trading key active period from 90 days to 30 days.

As a security measure, almost every exchange offers the possibility to whitelist IP addresses in order to limit the risk of having any unknown person(s) use your API keys.

We strongly recommend whitelisting IP addresses in order to have the trading and read-only keys permanently open.

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